Photo d’une œuvre d’Annabel Schenck : des figures abstraites peintes sur des éléments comme dis pièces de puzzle, mélangés

The Mosaic of Roots

Current exhibition

Discover the sensitive and poetic itinerary imagined by Annabel Schenck for the Towers and Ramparts of Aigues-Mortes

  • Act 1 of the exhibition from 6 April
    Act 2 of the exhibition from 5 July to 03 November

  • Free exhibition after payment of the monument entrance fee

  • Exhibition in 2 acts


A modern-day attacker takes over the walls. Annabel Schenck, an atypical printmaker, has imagined a sensitive and poetic journey through the medieval towers that protect the city. Like arrows, her installations pierce the limestone, creating gaps and a dialogue with themedieval architecture and the prisoners' graffiti incised into the stones. Some of the installations are outward-looking, like the gaze of the many prisoners within the walls.

It is this same horizon that questions the artist when she looks at thefragile ecosystem of the Camargue and the sustainability of our lifestyles in the face of environmental - salt burns the earth - and social challenges. Through an in-depth observation of the Camargue Biosphere Reserve, she invites us to take a close look at the richness of the Camargue's most characteristic ecosystems.

In the heart of Aigues-Mortes, the journey will take in the Porte des Moulins, the dizzying emptiness of the Marine, the round Poudrière and the sombre Villeneuve, for the ultimate revelation at the Tour de la Mèche.

Act 1 will be presented from 6 April, with the first three works at the Porte des Moulins on the chemin de ronde.

Act 2 will complete the tour from 05 July, with four new works at the Porte de la Marine and the Poudrière, Villeneuve and Mèche towers.


Annabel Schenck is a French contemporary artist known for her abstract works that explore the concepts of form, colour and movement. Her unique style combines traditional drawing and printmaking techniques with experimental elements, creating dynamic and evocative compositions. Through her contemporary gesture and large formats, she reconciles printmaking with a form of engagement, opening up new possibilities for this paper medium, restoring it to us in its expressionist vivacity.The many years she spent living and working in New Delhi as an artist and teacher, nurtured a questioning of the notion of chaos and the sustainability of our current lifestyles, developing her art with a desire to distance herself from the dominant social model.Since her return to France in 2017, she has been working in the Cité d'artistes du Couvent in Marseille.